The IBET PhD Project is a recent partnership between 12 Canadian institutions designed to increase representation by indigenous and black scholars in high-profile positions in STEM. As the inaugural recipient of the IBET Momentum Fellowship at Queen’s, Chris Williams has been awarded financial and other support in pursuit of a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Under the supervision of Prof. Shideh Ameri in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Chris is developing wearable electronic technology for physiological sensing. In the form of graphene-based tattoos placed directly on the skin, the devices are useful for monitoring a wide range of health indicators such as heart rate, brain activity, and body temperature. Chris has logged many hours at NFK fabricating these devices, and is currently NFK’s user representative on our Technical Advisory Committee that helps direct the facility’s operations.
You can read more about Chris and his Fellowship from the IBET Success Stories page and the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science news page.
Congratulations Chris!