To start using the NanoFabrication Kingston lab, please follow the steps below.
1. Set Up a Project
To request access to the lab, please contact NFK lab staff with a description of your project.
2. Next Steps
After receiving your email, NFK staff will contact you within 2 business days.
If you would like to work in the lab as part of your project, you will also be required to complete training to access the lab:
WHMIS Training
You must have valid Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System certification before being able to do any work in the lab.
Employers must provide this training to any worker who works in the presence of hazardous materials. Please contact the Health and Safety department at your university or company for more information.
Lab Safety Training
The first training for any new user is to attend a lab orientation session to learn the basic safety procedures at the lab. Further training is required to use specific equipment you may need for your process.
For training, please contact NFK lab staff.