Access fee to cleanroom and equipment includes:

  • basic lab training (cleanroom, gowning, and safety training)
  • introductory equipment training
  • basic consumables (gloves, bouffants, paper, wipes)
  • other stocked consumables (photoresists, solvents, common acids, developers)

Some equipment has additional fees, as indicated in the table below:


NFK Academic Rate NFK Industrial Rate
Access Fee: $35/hr $95/hr
Rates per Equipment (in addition to Access Fee):                                                                                  
Reactive Ion Etcher $15/hr $45/hr
Electron Beam Lithography $25/hr $50/hr
Scanning Electron Microscope $25/hr $50/hr
Maskless Lithographic System $20/hr $45/hr
Mask Aligner $10/hr $15/hr
Sputter Deposition System $0.05 per Angström $0.10 per Angström
Evaporator (Electron Beam) – Other material $0.05 per Angström $0.10 per Angström
Evaporator (Electron Beam) – Precious material $0.10 per Angström $0.20 per Angström
Ink-jet Microplotter System* $35/pipette $35/pipette
Picosecond Laser Micromachining System $25/hr $45/hr
Spin Coater No additional fees.
These tools are included
in the access fee.
Wet chemical fume hood (wet etching, cleaning)
Laminar Flow Fume Hood for Lithographic Processing (spin coater, hot plate)
Probe station with 4-point probe
Plasma Cleaner
Optical Microscope
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer

*Use of the microplotter will be charged on a cost-recovery basis for consumables. Staff will continue to support the equipment, but no guarantee of results is implied.

Some consumables are stocked and available to users for a fee, as shown in the table below.

Description NFK Rate
100 mm Silicon wafer, test grade, single-side polished $25 ea.
50 mm Silicon wafer, test grade, single-side polished $20 ea.
100 mm Silicon wafer, prime grade, with 300 nm WTO $70 ea.
100 mm Silicon wafer, test grade, with 1000 nm WTO $50 ea.
Single wafer carrier trays for 50 mm or 100 mm Silicon wafers $10 ea.
Photomask blank, 6", soda lime, chrome, with case $100 ea.
GelPaks, #4, 2"x2" or 2"x3", clear $15 ea.
GelPaks, #4, 4"x6", clear $30 ea.


Process Engineer Support Rates

  • Academic: $70/hr, Industrial: $125/hr

Training Rates (advanced equipment training beyond introductory training)

  • Academic: $35/hr, Industrial: $125/hr

Prices are subject to change at any time and without prior notice.


CMC Subscribers are eligible to apply for MNT Awards to help complete fabrication projects at NFK and elsewhere.