We are proud of the research done by NFK Users. For work done at NFK, please mention us in the Experimental description or Acknowledgements section.

Congratulations to all the NFK Users (bolded below) who published articles in peer-reviewed journals, including:


Carlos Vargas, Federico Mendez, Aristides Docoslis, and Carlos Escobedo, "Theoretical Analysis of Dendrite Formation Generated in an Electroosmotic Flow with Variable Shape Microelectrodes," Physics of Fluids, 2024, 022015.

Behnam N. Khiarak, Adam Fell, Nirmal Anand, Sharif M. Sadaf, and Cao-Thang Dinh, "In-situ Oxidation of Sn Catalysts for Long-Term Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to Formate," Catalysis Today, 2024, 114393.



Tassiane P. Junqueira, Daniel F. Araujo, Anna L. Harrison, Kaj Sullivan, Matthew I. Leybourne, and Bas Vriens, "Contrasting Copper Concentrations and Isotopic Compositions in Two Great Lakes Watersheds," Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 166360.

Hui Zhou, Ke Zhang, Aiyu Yan, Victoria White, Ronald Maus, and Thomas Griot, "New Quaternary Amines and Solvents for Photoresist Developing and Stripping Applications," Solid State Phenomena, 2023, 318-324.

Shamim Azimi and Aristides Docoslis, "LESS is More: Achieving Sensitive Protein Detection by Combining Electric Field Effects and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering," Sensors and Actuators: B Chemical, 2023, 134250.

David A. Kunar, Matthew F. Webster, Yu Wu, Ramjee Kandel, and Peng L. Wang, "Development of Single Crystal CsPbBr3 Radiation Detectors from Low-Cost Solution Synthesized Material," Crystals, 2023, 762.

Abhishake Goyal, Dongze Wang, and Jun Gao, "Extremely Large Polymer Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells with Concentric Circular Electrodes," Advanced Materials Technologies, 2023, 2300824.

Lishen Zhang, Daniel O. Reddy, Timothy T. Salomons, and Richard D. Oleschuk, "Micro 'Hyper-Channels' on Laser-Refined Cellulose Structures," Small Methods, 2023, 2301164.

Lishen Zhang, Timothy T. Salomons, Daniel Reddy, Phillip Hillen, and Richard D. Oleschuk, "A Universally Adaptable Micropatterning Method Through Laser-Induced Wettability Inversion," Sensors and Actuators: B Chemical, 2023, 133983.



Cornelius A. Obasanjo, Ali S. Zeraati, Hadi S. Shiran, Tu N. Nguyen, Sharif M. Sadaf, M. Golam Kibria, and Cao-Thang Dinh, "In situ Regeneration of Copper Catalysts for Long-Term Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to Multiple Carbon Products," Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 20059-20070.

Matthias Hermann, Prashant Agrawal, Chang Liu, J.C. Yves LeBlanc, Thomas R. Covey, and Richard D. Oleschuk, "Rapid Mass Spectrometric Calibration and Standard Addition Using Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Patterned Surfaces and Discontinuous Dewetting," Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2022, 660-670.



Madeline Keough, Jennifer F. McLeod, Timothy Salomons, Phillip Hillen, Yu Pei, Graham Gibson, Kevin McEleney, Richard Oleschuk, and Zhe She, "Realizing New Designs of Multiplexed Electrode Chips by 3-D Printed Masks," RSC Advances, 2021, 21600-21606.

Leonard Mahlberg, Matthias Hermann, Hannah Ramsay, Timothy Salomons, Kevin Stamplecoskie, and Richard D. Oleschuk, "Portable Microfluidic Platform Employing Young-Laplace Pumping Enabling Flowrate Controlled Applications," Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2021, (25) 48.

Nicholas G. Wilson, Mahmoud Khademi, and Aristides Docoslis, "Electrochemically Deposited Silver Nanostructures for Use as Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Substrates in Point-of-Need Diagnostic Devices," Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021, 2428-2440.

Joshua Raveendran and Aristides Docoslis, "Detection and Quantification of Toxicants in Food and Water using Ag–Au Core-Shell Fractal SERS Nanostructures and Multivariate Analysis," Talanta, 2021, 122383.

Nicholas Glen Wilson, Joshua Raveendran, and Aristides Docoslis, "Portable Identification of Fentanyl Analogues in Drugs Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering," Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 2021, 129303.



Bryan Little and Manish Jugroot, "Bimodal Propulsion System for Small Spacecraft: Design, Fabrication, and Performance Characterization," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2020, 707-719.

Joshua Raveendran and Aristides Docoslis, "Portable Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Analysis Performed with Microelectrode-Templated Silver Nanodendrites," Analyst, 2020, 4467-4476.

Matthias Hermann, Kyle Bachus, Graham T.T. Gibson, and Richard D. Oleschuk, "Open Sessile Droplet Viscometer with Low Sample Consumption," Lab on a Chip, 2020, 1869-1876.

Hannah Dies, Adam Bottomley, Danielle Lilly Nicholls, Kevin Stamplecoskie, Carlos Escobedo, and Aristides Docoslis, "Electrokinetically-Driven Assembly of Gold Colloids into Nanostructures for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering," Nanomaterials, 2020, 661-673.

Shiyu Hu and Jun Gao, "Shaping Electroluminescence with a Large, Printed Bipolar Electrode Array: Solid Polymer Electrochemical Cells with Over a Thousand Light-Emitting p-n Junctions," ChemElectroChem, 2020, 1748-1751.

Zhouyao Wang, Qingshan Dong, Ning Guo, and Mark R. Daymond, "Crack Propagation Path Selection and Plastic Deformation at a Crack Tip in Zirconium," Materials Science & Engineering A, 2020, 139143.

Joshua Raveendran, Kevin G. Stamplecoskie, and Aristides Docoslis, "Tunable Fractal Nanostructures for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering via Templated Electrodeposition of Silver on Low-Energy Surfaces," Applied Nano Materials, 2020, 2665-2679.

Ben Tucker, Matthias Hermann, Alexa Mainguy, and Richard Oleschuk, "Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Patterned Surfaces for Directed Evaporative Preconcentration," Analyst, 2020, 643-650.



Matthias Hermann, Prashant Agrawal, Iris Koch, and Richard Oleschuk, "Organic-Free, Versatile Sessile Droplet Microfluidic Device for Chemical Separation Using an Aqueous Two-Phase System," Lab on a Chip, 2019, 654-664.

Ali Khazaeli and Dominik P.J. Barz, "Fabrication and Characterization of a Coplanar Nickel-Metal Hydride Microbattery Equipped with a Gel Electrolyte," Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 141-149.

Ali Khazaeli, Hamid Falahati, and Dominik P.J. Barz, “Electrochemical Investigation and Modelling of LaNi4.77Al0.23 thin-films sputtered on glass wafers,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 199-208.

Bryan Little and Manish Jugroot, "Development of a Microthrust Balance and Ion Beam Measurement System: Characterizing a Dual-Mode Thruster for Spacecraft," Vacuum, 2019, 367-380.

Matthew Sedore, Bradley J. Diak, Andrew Murray, and Bruno Riel, "Comparison of the Elastic-Plastic Transition in Nanocrystalline Nickel Pillars Fabricated by Electron Beam Lithography and Focused Ion Beam Methods," IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 012023.

Zhouyao Wang, Chris Cochrane, Travis Skippon, Qingshan Dong, and Mark R. Daymond, "Dislocation Evolution at a Crack-Tip in a Hexagonal Close Packed Metal Under Plane-Stress Conditions," Acta Materialia, 2019, 25-38.

Zhouyao Wang, Qiang Wang, and Mark R. Daymond, "Mode I Fracture Testing Validation on Non-Plane Strain Zirconium Foils," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 48-60.



Hannah Dies, Joshua Raveendran, Carlos Escobedo, and Aristides Docoslis, "Rapid Identification and Quantification of Illicit Drugs on Nanodendritic Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Substrates," Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 382-388.

Hannah Dies, Maria Siampani, Carlos Escobedo, and Aristides Docoslis, "Direct Detection of Toxic Contaminants in Minimally Processed Food Products Using Dendritic Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Substrates," Sensors, 2018, 2726.

Laurie A. Graham, Prashant Agrawal, Richard D. Oleschuk, and Peter L. Davies, "High-Capacity Ice-Recrystallization Endpoint Assay Employing Superhydrophobic Coatings that is Equivalent to the 'Splat' Assay," Cryobiology, 2018, 138-144.

Shiyu Hu and Jun Gao, “Wireless Electroluminescence: Polymer Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells with Inkjet-Printed 1D and 2D Bipolar Electrode Arrays,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 9054-9061.

Aida Mohammadi, Danielle Lilly Nicholls, and Aristides Docoslis, "Improving the Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Performance of Silver Nanodendritic Substrates with Sprayed-On Graphene-Based Coatings," Sensors, 2018, 3404.

David B. Northeast and Robert G Knobel, "Suspension and Simple Optical Characterization of Two-Dimensional Membranes," Materials Research Express, 2018, 035023.

J. Raveendran, H. Dies, A. Mohammadi, C. Escobedo, and A. Docoslis, "Ultrasensitive Analyte Detection by Combining Nanoparticle-Based Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Substrates with Multivariate Analysis," Materials Today: Proceedings, 2018, 27377-27386.

Saeed Rismani Yazi, Reza Nosrati, Corey A. Stevens, David Vogel, and Carlos Escobedo, “Migration of Magnetotactic Bacteria in Porous Media,” Biomicrofluidics, 2018, 011101.



K.J. Bachus, L. Mats, H.W. Choi, G.T.T. Gibson, and R.D. Oleschuk, “Fabrication of Patterned Superhydrophobic/Hydrophilic Substrates by Laser Micromachining for Small Volume Deposition and Droplet-Based Fluorescence,” Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2017, 7629-7636.

Hannah Dies, Joshua Raveendran, Carlos Escobedo, and Aristides Docoslis, “In situ Assembly of Active Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Substrates via Electric Field-Guided Growth of Dendritic Nanoparticle Structures,” Nanoscale, 2017, 7847-7857.

Saeed Rismani Yazdi, Reza Nosrati, Corey A. Stevens, David Vogel, Peter L. Davies, and Carlos Escobedo, “Magnetotaxis Enables Magnetotactic Bacteria to Navigate in Flow,” Small, 2017, 1702982.



Joshua Raveendran, Jeffery A. Wood, and Aristides Docoslis, “Contact-Free Templating of 3-D Colloidal Structures Using Spatially Nonuniform AC Electric Fields,” Langmuir, 2016, 9619-9632.